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51 articles
Organize your account
Learn how to organize your folders and Flipbooks, and apply changes across them
Inherited Settings: How to align and smartly change settings on your flipbooks.A time saver for when you need to apply sweeping changes across folders, and subfolders.
Organizing and naming your FlipbooksNaming matters. Make the right choices and increase your SEO value.
How to copy, move, and delete FlipbooksHow to perform essential housekeeping on your iPaper account, to make sure you only keep what's relevant.
Create a FolderHow do you create folders for your Flipbooks in iPaper?
FAQ: How can I see a history of my Flipbook processings?Get to know the handy little feature that shows you the 100 latest Flipbook processings on your account.
Create a Flipbook
Whether it's your first, or your 50th, find out how to create Flipbooks, the right way
What is a Flipbook?How is it created? And how is it different from a PDF?
How do I create a Flipbook?You want to create your first shiny flipbook? Here's how!
Change the contents of an existing Flipbook (Change PDF)How to change your PDF without losing any Enrichments.
How do I use Media Library?The Media Library: a home for all of your media assets, so they are close to hand and ready for use.
Region settingsSetting your Flipbook's region settings helps you offer your visitors a localized browsing experience.
Best practices for Flipbook navigationLearn how to create intuitive ways for your shoppers to navigate your Flipbooks.
Personalize your Flipbooks
How to personalize your account so that it matches your brand.
How do I add my own branding?Make your flipbooks your own!
Match interface colors to your company brand / website color schemeMake sure your Flipbooks matches your company's identity!
Adding a Preloader ImageEnhance your Flipbook visitor experience with a custom preloader image. Oh yeah!
How to add a background image to your FlipbookColor not cutting it? Add an engaging background image to create an immersive Flipbook experience.
Adding a FaviconHighlight your Flipbook in browser tabs
How can I show flipbooks on my own domain? Use a branded domain!A Branded Domain makes it look like the publication is hosted on your own domain.
Shoppable Content
Learn how to create a Shop experience in iPaper and drive Sales from your catalogs.
Lead generation
Learn how to generate leads, gather permissions and drive traffic.
Setting up a News tickerEffective way to rotate CTA options at the bottom of the page!
Pop-upsGrow permission list or or promote a webpage.
How to collect visitor data in your digital catalogs with FormsForms can be tailored to your needs for signups, contact etc.
Gate your content with FormsWant to gate your content with a newsletter signup? Gated content!
Setting up tracking and analytics
Learn how to track and improve performance / engagement / ROI in your flipbooks.
Enabling the Basic Cookie consent banner on your FlipbookManage cookie consent in your Flipbook with our Basic Cookie banner.
Custom Scripting: What is it, and what can you use it for?Custom Scripting allows you to inject third-party scripts into your Flipbook: from custom tracking, to pop-ups and everything in between.
Integrating third-party consent management with iPaperIntegrate your website’s consent management solution into your Flipbooks using the Consent Management API