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Updated over a month ago

Pop-Ups are an add-on feature

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What is a Pop-up?

A Pop-up is a lead capture tool that helps you convert Flipbook visitors to known contacts. This is done by the Pop-up presenting itself as a small “extra” window on top of a Flipbook page.

Do Pop-ups impact my search engine ranking?

Google and other search engines are increasingly concerned with ads that lower the user experience, and has started penalizing intrusive popups and interstitials that block an extensive amount of screen space. Your iPaper Pop-ups will not be impacted by this.

⚠️ Using Pop-ups with a cookie consent banner

Pop-ups rely on advertising cookies to work properly on your Flipbook. If you use a cookie consent management tool on your Flipbook, any visitors will need to consent to the use of cookies before your Pop-up can be shown.

For more information on cookies work with iPaper, see our guide below:

How to find the Pop-ups module in iPaper

Pop-ups exist in iPaper as a Module, and finding them is easy:

  1. In the left-hand vertical menu, select Flipbooks.

  2. This will reveal additional subsections. From these, select Modules.

  3. Select Pop-ups from the submenu. This will bring you to Pop-ups main page.

From here you can create new Pop-up, edit existing ones and view statistics associated with your Pop-ups.

Creating your first Pop-up

If you have no existing Pop-ups, the first time you click on the module, you'll see a screen like the one below. You create a new Pop-up by clicking New Pop-up:

From here you'll be able to choose your Pop-up function. What are your objectives with your new pop-up?

When you have selected the function you wish for your Pop-up, you'll be shown a view through which you set up your Pop-up.

It contains several sections, including:

  • General

  • Teaser

  • Content

  • Confirmation (available in the Grow permission list and Enable Contact templates)

  • Behavior

You can expand each panel by clicking it.

Setting up General properties

  • Name: Give your Pop-up a name. This is for your own reference, and will not be shown to visitors.

  • Notification email: Enter the email address where you want to receive notifications each time your Pop-up converts.

  • Display Pop-up at: Insert the URL of the Flipbook where you want your Pop-up displayed.

  • Main color: You can use either hex code or the color picker to pick the main color of your Pop-up.

  • Contrast color: You can use either hex code or the color picker to pick the teaser text color.

  • Position: Select whether you want the Pop-up to be displayed on the bottom left or bottom right side of the screen.

⚠️ When entering the URL of your Flipbook in the Display Pop-up at field, make sure that the URL should be fully qualified, meaning it should include 'http://' or 'https://'.

Setting up Teaser properties

  • Teaser text: This is the text that is visible as the call-to-action to visitors, before they click on the Pop-up. By default, your CTA will read 'Click me', but you can set this to whatever you like.

💡 As with all CTAs, make sure that your text is short, and to the point!

Setting up Content properties

⚠️ The fields show in the 'Content' section are highly dependent on what objective, or template you have selected for your Pop-up. As such, not all properties listed below may be shown.

  • Image: Pick an optional image (from the iPaper library) for your content (e.g. logo, newsletter front page or a product or event ad).
    This image should be relevant to the content, and interesting enough to keep your visitors engaged! Your image should be 400 pixels wide. The height is up to you.

  • Text:This is where you can give the user a brief introduction to your content.
    Tell them why they should click the button below or sign up for what you are offering. Also known as the Value Proposition.
    You can add simple formatting and hyperlinks. (For example to competition rules)
    Hyperlinks should be fully qualified (include http:// or https://)

  • Name label: Ask for your contact's name here.

  • Email label: Ask for your contact's email here.

  • Consent text: What do you what the consent checkbox to say? What are the contacts agreeing to?

  • Button label: What do you want the Submit button to say?
    By default, this is Submit.

  • Button URL: This property is available with Get more website visitors.
    The URL where your visitors with be sent when they click the call-to-action button.

Setting up Confirmation properties

  • Confirmation text: This is the text that displays once the visitor has pressed the call-to-action button.

Setting up Behavior properties

  • Here you can select when the pop-up should open, either when the user is heading to close the window (Open on exit intent) or after a number of seconds in the site (Open after seconds). For this option, you can select how many seconds in the field right below it.

Take your Flipbook from flat PDF to engaging digital shopping experience

Understand how this, and other tactics, can help you attract and inspire shoppers, while also capturing buying intent and converting to a sale, in our Success Framework.

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