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What is a Flipbook?

How is it created? And how is it different from a PDF?

Updated over 10 months ago

PDF vs. Flipbook: what's the difference?

While a PDF is a great way of offering your catalog online, it is usually a very flat and unengaging experience. It is also outdated the moment a visitor downloads it from your website — you have no way of updating the content in it!

What is a Flipbook?

A Flipbook allows for an enriched, interactive and engaging catalog experience that you can keep centrally updated for everyone visiting. It works across all devices and browsers, with no installs or plugins required.

Flipbooks even include preloading technology in place, to ensure it loads fast for everyone, regardless of where they are and how many pages are in it.

See the difference for yourself in our demo Flipbook:

How does it work?

When you upload a PDF to iPaper, several things happen which ultimately result in an online Flipbook:

  1. All selectable text is extracted from the PDF (Only selectable text can be extracted. e.g., text on images will not be extracted).

  2. Text is indexed (so it can be found in search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing).

  3. Text position is registered with coordinates (so we can highlight text results within the Flipbook).

  4. PDF Pages are extracted and saved as high resolution images.

  5. Page images are displayed via advanced code in a web browser.

Once your Flipbook is created from a base PDF, it's time to add enrichments and create an engaging experience for your visitors!

Ready to get started?

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