When creating a Flipbook, you start by uploading a PDF as the base. Once created, you can enhance it with various Enrichments to improve the browsing experience.
💡 PDF used to create Flipbooks are not stored in your Media Library, and we recommend always keeping a backup of your base PDF secure.
Download a copy of your base PDF from iPaper
To download a PDF version of an existing Flipbook, follow these steps:
Select your Flipbook from the Flipbook tree view in your iPaper account.
From the Flipbook Overview, click the '…' icon.
Select Download PDF from the drop-down menu.
⚠️ PDFs download in this manner consist of the base PDF used to create your Flipbook, and do not include Enrichments layered on top of the base PDF.
Download a copy of your Flipbook using the Flipbook Exporter tool
You can also export a copy of your Flipbook to PDF using our Flipbook Exporter tool. This method retains any supported Enrichments (external links) in the PDF. All unsupported Enrichments are stripped and not included in the PDF.
⚠️ Only public flipbooks can be downloaded.