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Understanding New Statistics: Overview
Understanding New Statistics: Overview

What metrics are available on the Overview tab in New Statistics, what do they mean, and how can you use them.

Updated over a week ago

💡 This guide relates to New Flipbook Statistics, which you try by switching in your iPaper account. For our guide on Legacy Statistics, see here.

iPaper's revamped, new Statistics feature is an improvement on the Flipbook Statistics that you know and love, and presents all your most important Flipbook Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the Overview tab.

🔰 This guide explains:

How to access New Statistics for your Flipbook

Once you publish your Flipbook, iPaper starts collecting statistics from all the traffic that has consented to it. Currently, you can switch between New Statistics and Legacy Statistics via the iPaper interface.

Accessing New Statistics for your Flipbook is easy:

  1. Select the Flipbook you want to see statistics for by clicking on it from the Account Tree view.

  2. In the Flipbook Overview, select the Statistics tab.

  3. If you have not yet switched to New Statistics, you will be presented with a banner inviting you to do so. Click the Try the new statistics button to switch to New Statistics.

  4. You will be presented with the New Statistics Overview page.

How to navigate and understand the Overview tab

The first view you are presented with when accessing a Flipbook’s statistics is the Overview pane. This gives you a quick snapshot of your Flipbook’s performance, including:

Key statistics

The Key statistics provide you with the most vital KPIs about the traffic to your Flipbook:

  • Sessions: the total number of for your Flipbook for the selected date range.

  • Page views: the total number of page views across all sessions for the selected date range.

  • Avg. time spent: the average time spent in your Flipbook. This is calculated by taking the median amount of time spent and dividing it between the total number of sessions within the given time range.

  • Avg. page views: the mean average of page views is calculated by diving the total number of page views by the total number of sessions within the selected time range.

💡 How do we calculate page views in New Statistics?

We can only track page views from visitors who have given consent via a cookie banner.

In order to give you a more complete picture of your total page views, we extrapolate the number of page views from consenting visitors to the total number of sessions recorded, giving an approximate but reasonably accurate estimate.

We show you the percentage of extrapolated page view data underneath each KPI where extrapolated data has been used:

Commerce statistics

The Commerce statistics gives you a snapshot of how your Flipbook’s Shop integration is performing:

  • Checkouts: the total number of completed checkouts based on the total number of sessions recorded for the selected date range.

  • Total checkout value: the total actionable value of all completed checkouts within the selected date range.

  • Avg. checkout value: the total actionable value divided by the total number of completed checkouts to give an average checkout value for the selected date range.

  • Avg. items per checkout: the median average number of items in the cart, per completed checkout, for the selected date range.

Your iPaper score

We introduce the iPaper Score as a new KPI that shows you how your Flipbook adheres to the Store Metaphor model, which identifies 4 key stages in a customer’s buying journey:

  • Attraction sessions: highlights the amount of visitors you attract to your Flipbook within the specified date range. The more shoppers you can attract to your store, the higher the likelihood that some of them will make a purchase.

  • Inspiration sessions: informs you how many of your visitors you have engaged during their visit. Engaged visitors interact with your digital catalog, and the more they are inspired by what they see, the more they interact with your content.

  • Intention sessions: shows you how many sessions involved actions that identify buying intent among your visitors, such as accessing links to external content, checking the store locator, or sign-up to a newsletter.

  • Conversion sessions: shows you how many sessions occurred where a customer sends their order in via a checkout method, such as WhatsApp, email, or prints them to collect their items in-store. They have completed the final stage in the customer Flipbook journey, and those are captured as conversions from the Flipbook.

⚠️ Please note, that conversions do not occur within your Flipbook. Conversions in the iPaper Score are inferred and do not necessarily equal a purchase in every instance.

💡 Learn more about the iPaper Score, in our guide, below:

Sessions over time

The Sessions over time statistic gives you a deeper insight into when your Flipbook sessions occurred and how they are distributed over your selected time range. This allows you to identify whether the majority of your sessions occurred during specific days, or weeks, or months.

This is especially useful for gauging, for example, how a promotional campaign impacts the number of visitors to your Flipbook.

Time of day

The Time of day statistic further expands on your Sessions over time statistics by showing you how your Flipbook sessions are distributed over a 24-hour period, per day of the week, across your selected date range.

You can toggle on/off as many or as few days of the week as is relevant for you, by using the checkboxes at the bottom of the graph. You can also toggle an average, which displays how your sessions are distributed, on average, across your date range.

Sessions per day

The Sessions per day graph gives you an overview of how your Flipbook traffic is distributed over the days of the week.

💡 Multiple week day data is aggregated

If your selected date range is longer than a week, for example a fortnight, or a month, this graph will aggregate all traffic for a specific day into a single column, for that day of the week. For example, if your date range includes 2 Mondays, the data from both days will be presented in a single, combined column in the graph.

Views per page

The Views per page graph provides a breakdown of how many times a specific page in your Flipbook was viewed across all sessions within your selected date range. This allows you to identify browsing trends, and see where the majority of your visitors begin to drop off.

This information can inform your choices of where to put your most important offers, or attractive content in order to ensure your visitors see it.

💡 This data can be filtered by mobile vs. desktop browsers, which provides insights into how browsing device impacts your visitors’ browsing habits.

Average time per page

You can see how your visitors spend their time when browsing your Flipbook using the Average time per page graph, which shows to you, in seconds, how long your Flipbook visitors spend, on average, per page in your Flipbook.

This can be especially powerful when identifying browsing patterns within your Flipbook, and can help you to plan where in your Flipbook to present your most significant content.

💡 This data can be filtered by mobile vs. desktop browsers, which provides insights into how browsing device impacts your visitors’ browsing habits.


If you’ve ever wanted to know where in the world your Flipbook traffic is coming from, and what device they are using to visit, look no further! The Demographics pie chart summarizes the main countries your visitors visit from: the top 5 countries are represented individually, while all other locations are grouped together as 'Other'.


Complement to the Demographics chart, the Devices chart details the ratio of mobile vs. desktop visitors your Flipbook receives. This is important in understanding how your visitors browse your Flipbook and can help inform you how best to optimize your Flipbooks to ensure an optimal browsing experience based on this.


Our New Statistics are designed to give you even more insight into the performance of your Flipbook. If you have any questions about your Flipbook statistics, reach out to our Support team using the messenger in the corner!

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