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How to use the downloadable Excel report
How to use the downloadable Excel report

Learn how to drill down into your Flipbook data using the downloadable Excel report.

Updated over a month ago

πŸ“– This guide explains:

How to download an Excel report of your Flipbook statistics

With the detailed report, you can get a full overview of your Flipbooks statistics. It's downloaded as an Excel file, with all the data available in the Excel worksheet tabs. Doing so is easy:

  1. From the Flipbook tree view, click the Flipbook you want a report on.

  2. Select Statistics from the horizontal menu.

  3. Choose the date range for which you want your Excel report.

  4. Click Download Statistics as Excel. Your Excel report will download to your default downloads directory.

How to read the Excel report tabs

The Overview sheet

The Overview sheet provides you with a snapshot of all the most important metrics for your Flipbook. These are displayed as one day per column, and include:

  • # of Sessions: This shows you the total number of sessions registered for that particular date.

  • Tracked page views: The number of page views iPaper was able to directly track in your Flipbook. iPaper can only directly track page views when visitors give their consent to this through a cookie consent banner.

  • Extrapolated page views: This column shows the total page views, including additional views estimated for visitors who declined the cookie consent banner.

  • Consent rate per day: This column details the percentage of visitors that elected to give consent through the cookie banner. It is shown as a percentage of the total number of visitors for the specific date.

  • Shop checkouts: There are several columns that show the number of checkouts attributed to a specific checkout method, including:

    • Email checkout

    • Print

    • Shop export

    • Viber checkout

    • WhatsApp checkout

⚠️ Please note that all checkout methods are shown in the Excel report, regardless of whether they are implemented in your Flipbook.

  • Actionable value: This column shows the total actionable value accrued across all available checkout methods for the specific date.

The Pages sheet

The Pages sheet offers you a more granular look into the visitor behavior and Flipbook performance, on a page level. Separated out into individual Flipbook pages, you can see:

  • Tracked views: The number of views per page, that iPaper was able to directly track in your Flipbook. iPaper can only directly track page views when visitors give their consent to this through a cookie consent banner.

  • Extrapolated views: This column shows the number of additional page views we were able to extrapolate from visitors who did not give consent through a cookie consent banner.

  • Consent rate:

  • Average time spent on mobile: This column details the average time, in seconds, spent on the page by visitors browsing from a mobile browser.

  • Average time spent on desktop: This column details the average time, in seconds, spent on the page by visitors browsing from a desktop browser.

  • Average time spent total: This column shows the combined average time spent of all visitors to a specific page, regardless of browsing device used.

Hourly Distribution

This sheet shows you the distribution of your Flipbook visitors over a 24-hour period. Column A shows the specific hour of the day, while Column B shows the of number of visitors as a percentage of the total number of visitors registered during the selected date range.


The Demographics sheet lists the countries we could detect that your Flipbook visitors were browsing from, in Column A, and the percentage of visitors that visited from a specific country, in Column B.


The Links sheet summarizes all the links in your Flipbook and the data gathered when visitors interact with them, including:

  • The Page number the link is located on.

  • The Link type shows whether the link is, for example, a Shop item, opens a Popup Media Gallery, or an Internal link to another location within your Flipbook.

  • The Shape type, of the link, such as whether it is an image, or drawn shape.

  • The Text column shows any text associated with the link.

  • The Product Info column includes information if the link is a Shop item, such as a product ID, or name.

  • The URL of the link, for easy location.

  • The number of clicks as a total number of clicks on a specific link during the select date range.

Shop β€” General

The Shop β€” General sheet provides you with an overview of the most important performance metrics for your Shop Configuration, including:

  • The percentage of total Visitors clicking the cart icon during the selected date range.

  • The percentage of total Visitors adding items to the cart during the selected date range.

  • The total number of sessions for the selected date range.

  • The number of checkouts for the selected date range.

  • The total number of items checked out during the selected date range.

  • The average number of items checkout out per checkout during the selected date range.

  • The total actionable value of all checkout items during the selected range.

Shop β€” Checkouts

The Shop β€” Checkouts sheet shows you metrics related to the different checkout options you might have implemented in your Flipbook.

  • Column A lists the different checkout options available. Please note that checkout options that are not part of your Shop configuration are still visible in the report.

  • Times triggered details the amount of times the specific checkout option was used during the selected date range.

  • Items per action lists the average number of items in cart per checkout for the selected checkout option for the selected date range.

  • Total value details the total actionable value of all items checked out using the specific checkout option during the selected date range.

  • Value per user shows the average checkout value per cart for the specific checkout option during the date range.

Shop β€” Most checked out products

The Shop β€” Most checked out products sheet lists all the items checked out from your Flipbook for the specific date range, and ranks them from most, to the least checked out. This sheet includes additional information, including:

  • Product name

  • Product description

  • Product number

  • Quantity

  • Price per unit

  • Total price

Shop β€” Products added to cart

Similar to the previous sheet, the Shop β€” Products added to cart sheet provides you with data on all the products that your Flipbook visitors have added to their carts, while browsing your Flipbook.

This sheet includes additional information, including:

  • Product name

  • Product description

  • Product number

  • Quantity

  • Price per unit

  • Total price

πŸ’‘By comparing the data on this sheet with that on Most checked out products, you can identify how many carts, and products were abandoned.

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