With the detailed report, you can get a full overview of your Flipbooks statistics. It's downloaded as an Excel file, with all the data available in the Excel worksheet tabs. Doing so is easy:
From the Flipbook tree view, click on the Flipbook you want the report for.
Select the Statistics tab.
Choose a date range for your report.
Click Download Statistics as Excel.
That's it! Your report will automatically download to your default downloads folder.
💡 You can see the statistics for links, shop, pages etc., by browsing between the tabs at the bottom of your Excel spreadsheet report.
📈 Shop: Top 100 most checked out products
While the iPaper Statistics interface only displays a top 100, the Excel sheet will grant you insight into the full list of checked out products.
Did you know you can also get a summary of your Flipbook performance every month, directly in your inbox? Learn how to receive an Monthly Email Report, below: