Your Flipbooks are an extension of your business online. You've probably already set up a custom background and preloader image to make your visitors feel at home. Now, inspire confidence in your customers with a custom, branded email address so when they check out via email, these emails from you.
🔰 Before we get started
Custom branded emails work when you are using a shop configuration with Email checkout. If you haven't already set this up, let's start there!
Make sure you appear as the sender
So, your shop is set up, orders are rolling in, and emails are being sent out! But without any changes this how is the email your customers receive appear:
SPF record and iPaper
Instead of the sender being iPaper, it could be your own email! This requires an SPF record to be running on your domain, and the record should include iPaper.
Don't worry, it's got nothing to do with sunscreen. Simply forward the link to the guide below, to the person, who manages your DNS service.
Adding your custom email
Start by navigating to Connections. This can be found in the top right corner of your account.
From here, we will click to Create an Integration and select Custom Email.
This will prompt the next window for you to add the email you want to use.
Fill in the name and email you wish to use for your orders. Once you click connect, a verification email will be sent to the email address.
If the SPF record hasn't already been configured to the email address you supply, you'll see an error message and won't be able to proceed further.
⚠️ The email address you supply needs to have an active inbox in order to receive the verification email!
Adding your custom email to your shop configuration!
So, now your email is connected, and you have accepted the verification. It's time to finalize the setup.
Head on over to Your shop configurations, and find your configuration(s) that use Email checkout. Click the pencil icon to edit your shop configuration.
In the Email checkout section, you can select you custom email as the Sender email from the drop-down menu.
If you'd like to have a different reply-to email, you can also set that in the same section.
That's it! Customers will now receive their orders by email with the Sender name and Email you selected.
💡Take your emails to the next level with customized email templates
Want to make sure the email itself is looking it best? Consider looking into customizing the email templates here: