If your Flipbook is promoting products you sell, adding in shopability to your digital catalog doesn't just make sense — it's crucial! You can do just that by setting up a Shop configuration.
📖 This guide explains:
What is a Shop configuration?
A shop configuration is a predefined setup of how you want visitors to be able to shop, and check out from your digital catalog. For example, if you'd like shoppers to check out by sending a list of their chosen products to a sales rep via email, or WhatsApp, you can set this up as a shop configuration.
💡 Shop configurations, once set up, can be used across any and all the Flipbooks you create. You only need to create a new shop configuration for different shopping experiences, such as different brands, markets, or geographical regions.
In short, anything that results in a different checkout URL, or checkout method needs its own Shop configuration.
Setting up your first Shop Configuration
To set up your Shop Configuration:
In the overview, click on Flipbooks, from the left-hand vertical menu.
Select Modules from the submenu.
Select Shop configuration from the Modules menu.
💡 Once configured, you can easily apply your Shop configuration on an account, folder, or Flipbook level, later.
From here, you can add new configurations or edit existing ones:
To create a new shop configuration, start by clicking on the Create button in the lower right-hand corner. We go into further detail about configuring a new one further on in this article.
To edit an existing configuration, click on the pencil icon ✏️ to the side of the shop configuration you want to edit.
You also have some extra options available for existing configurations:
By clicking on the '…' icon, you can also duplicate existing shop configurations by selecting Copy. You can use a copy of a Shop configuration if, for example, you have two markets on the same account. They both have the same checkout function, only the currency and language is different. Instead of creating a new one, simply copy the existing one and edit the copy.
You can also Delete Shop configurations you no longer need.
⚠️ Deleting a Shop configuration is a permanent action, so please be sure that you are deleting the correct one!
Creating a configuration
This pane presents you with several options:
Name your configuration: This field has no effect on the Shop, but it's simply an easy way for you to keep track of your different configurations.
Shop title: This field decides the name of the cart inside your Flipbook, as seen in the example below. This will be visible to your visitors, so choose wisely!
Currency: Define what currency your prices will be displayed in. In most cases, this defines the symbol or text next to the amount in the cart.
Sender email: Here you can set a custom sender email address. By default, this is 'no-reply@ipaper.io'.
Reply email: Use this field to define a custom reply-to email address. This is the email address to which you can receive customer replies. Not offering a reply option can result in a bad customer experience!
Show advanced options: Toggling this will display a number of advanced Shop configuration options.
Add checkout options: This is where you decide which checkout option(s) you want to use for your configuration.
Overview: Here you can see all the configured checkout options in your Shop configuration. You can also rearrange them in order of priority.
Checkout options
There are a number of checkout options available to you, for your Shop configuration:
If you're unsure what the most appropriate checkout option for your Shop configuration is, not to worry! We've created a guide to help you decide:
💡 Some checkout options allow your customers to check out directly, such as WhatsApp, Viber, or Integration. Others, such as Email or Print, are more indirect, but can facilitate the checkout process for your customers, such as allowing them to email their carts to themselves or a friend to be used as an in-store shopping list.
Advanced shop settings
The Advanced shop settings toggle reveals additional ways of customizing your Shop configuration.
⚠️ Please note: any changes you make in a Shop configuration will affect all Flipbooks using the configuration.
In the General section, you can define:
Hover text: this defines the text the user sees when hovering the mouse over the link. This text is completely customizable, and you can use several dynamic elements:
Hide prices: this toggle hides product prices. This is useful, if you want your Shop to act as a Wish list.
Show print icon: This toggles the icon to print their cart contents.
Add custom item: Enabling this allows your shoppers to add their own items to the shopping list.
💡 For example, if a shopper has added items from your Flipbook to a shopping list, but would also like to include products that you sell, but aren't necessarily advertised in your Flipbook. With this feature, they can manually enter an item's name, quantity etc.
Checkout behavior
The options in Checkout behavior allow you to further customize the look and functionality of your Shop configuration:
Clear cart on checkout: Toggling this will result in the cart emptying once a shopper has completed their transaction. This happens when:
an email is sent in Email checkout.
when the user clicks the checkout button in Integration, Print, WhatsApp, and Viber checkouts.
Shop icon: Select 1 of 6 icons to represent the shopper's cart in your Flipbook.
External cart URL: You can override the default iPaper shop and redirect to your own, external URL.
Item maximum quantity: You can set the maximum quantity of an item that can be added to a shopper's cart. Leaving it empty results in no limit.
Item maximum quantity text: The text shown to the shopper once they attempt to add more items than the limit allows.
Cart minimum value: Set a minimum monetary value required before a shopper can check out. Leaving it empty results in no minimum limit.
Cart minimum value text: The text shown to the user when their cart contents do not meet the minimum value requirement.
The following dynamic tags are supported:[remainingValue]: the difference in amount needed to meet the minimum value
[basketMinimumValue]: the minimum value required
Toast texts
The toast is the small informative box with text that appears when a shopper adds an item to their cart.
Item added text: Limited to two lines. An ellipsis (…) is added if the text exceeds this.
View cart CTA text: Limited to fit the CTA with an ellipsis before the item count indicator.
Enabling the Shop
So, you've created your first Shop configuration! Now it's time to get it on your Flipbook.
💡 Inherited Settings: Consider adding the configuration on folder level to make use of inherited settings. You can read up on how you do that, here:
Navigate to the settings of a Folder by selecting the '...' button, and then Edit settings.
Under the Modules pane, select Shop configuration, and toggle the option to ON. This will in turn enable this configuration on the Flipbooks in the folder.
Select which shop configuration you want to use by clicking on the little shopping cart icon.
That's it! Your shopping configuration is now ready to be used on all the Flipbooks within that folder. ✌️ 🛒