A,B,C products, simply means we can use tags in a PDF to let the Enrichment Automation manage different behaviors.
Here are a few examples of why you would like to do this:
You have a black CTA, which works great except for black pages. With tags, you can set a white icon for black pages.
You have different types of products, single items and bundles. With tags, set an alternative button to let the user know the difference.
A,B,C products via text
For this process, tag your PDF with text via InDesign or Acrobat.
If you haven't read the articles yet, please do so here:
To create different tags, you will have to come up with a system that works for you.
A simple way to do is, is to add a colon or an underscore, plus an extra letter to your SKUs:
The idea is to keep the SKU intact, so we can still read it properly via Enrichment Automation. By adding a specific identifier, we're then able to create different variables inside the automation.
A,B,C products via hidden layer
If you have access to the InDesign file, we can also create the same behaviors via a hidden layer without altering the original SKU.
To do this, simply add each SKU on the layer they belong. For example, which SKUs should show an orange CTA and which one a blue one:
Important: As the process of tagging your PDF may vary depending on what you want to achieve, we suggest you having a quick chat with us, so we can build an Enrichment Automation that covers your needs.