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Designing and Exporting your PDF

How do you design a PDF for iPaper: Specifications and Recommendations

Updated over 3 months ago

Designing a PDF for online viewing differs from print; it must look sharp on all devices while loading quickly. Digital catalogs require optimization across screen sizes.

Fortunately, iPaper helps streamline this process for a high-quality viewing experience!

📖 This guide explains:

Download our InDesign PDF preset

If you're already acquainted with designing your PDF for optimal results, digitally, you might want to download our InDesign PDF Preset and get stuck in, straight away:

Designing for the iPaper platform

When designing for online use, it's important to design your digital catalog with this in mind. This means there are some format restrictions that are different from those for printed publications:

General tips and guidelines for format and layout

Design for page spreads

Except for the first and last pages, iPaper will always show your publication as a spread (two pages facing each other). This means you need to design and export your PDF files with that in mind.

File Details

  • The maximum file size of your PDF must not exceed 1 GB.

  • The PDF must not “secured” or “restricted” (you can protect your Flipbook at a later stage).

Images & colors

  • Avoid hidden layers if not explicitly needed (e.g., no old text layers with other objects placed above).

  • Avoid complex vector images, as they can cause PDF conversion to fail.

  • If you are designing for both print and digital formats, you can use the CMYK blending space, otherwise for digital-only, consider using the RGB blending space.


  • Your font choice should be limited to sans-serif types.

  • The general font size should be easily readable on mobile, preferably without needing to zoom. 16pt is currently considered optimal for body fonts, for reading on a mobile screen.

💡 To achieve the best, readable result, consider this article on font types for online use.

  • Embed all fonts in the PDF, when possible.

  • Text should exist as selectable text (you should be able to highlight & copy the text on the PDF file), as opposed to an outline, or bitmap.

Page sizing

  • Pages must have consistent widths and heights

    A visual representation of equal page widths and heights, with a center spread
  • Pages should be cropped to size, with no visible cutting lines

  • A4 size (210×297mm) pages or 210×280mm will yield good results across devices. A square format (e.g., 280×280mm) will utilize more screen space on desktop/laptop monitors but might not provide an equal experience on mobile devices in portrait mode.

  • To optimize for mobile, you can create your pages in a ratio of 1:1.5.
    Example: If your page width is 1000 pixels, your height should be 1700 pixels.

  • Creating your InDesign document with Facing Pages and Portrait orientation will give you the optimal view and best results when working on your Flipbook.

  • You can create Bookmarks in InDesign which can be imported directly into your Flipbook as an Index

  • You can create Links (external links, internal page links & email links) in InDesign which can be imported directly into your Flipbook as active Links. Find more information here:

  • Pages must have consistent widths and heights

    A visual representation of equal page widths and heights, with a center spread
  • Pages should be cropped to size, with no visible cutting lines

  • A4 size (210×297mm) pages or 210×280mm will yield good results across devices. A square format (e.g., 280×280mm) will utilize more screen space on desktop/laptop monitors but might not provide an equal experience on mobile devices in portrait mode.

  • To optimize for mobile, you can create your pages in a ratio of 1:1.5.
    Example: If your page width is 1000 pixels, your height should be 1700 pixels.

  • Creating your InDesign document with Facing Pages and Portrait orientation will give you the optimal view and best results when working on your Flipbook.

  • You can create Bookmarks in InDesign which can be imported directly into your Flipbook as an Index

  • You can create Links (external links, internal page links & email links) in InDesign which can be imported directly into your Flipbook as active Links. Find more information here:

Exporting your PDFs for the iPaper Platform

When you have finished up your design, you will need to export to PDF.


  • 1. Preset
    Even though you are about to export for online use, select the High-Quality Print preset.

  • 2. Compatibility
    Go for Acrobat 6 / PDF 1.5 compatibility

⚠️ iPaper supports PDF version 1.7 and below, but we recommend exporting to PDF 1.5 to ensure maximum compatibility.

  • 3. Pages
    The iPaper platform will always display spreads (2 pages facing each other).
    This means you have to export your PDF as single pages for optimal results.

  • 4. Layers
    You should only export Visible & Printable Layers if you have a specific need for content in hidden layers (e.g., for Custom Link Import purposes)

  • 5. Interactive Elements
    The iPaper platform is not compatible with Interactive Elements, and they should not be included when exporting.

  • 6. Bookmarks & Hyperlinks
    If you created active links in InDesign, you can choose to export them, and then import them as an Index and active Links in your Flipbook.


To optimize your results across all screen sizes, we recommend exporting your PDF at 150 PPI. Alternatively, you can input your PDF page dimensions in our DPI Calculator, to get the exact resolution you should export in:

Use settings as seen below:

Marks and Bleeds

Printer marks and Bleed should not be included in your export, as these options are for printing purposes only.

Consider saving your settings as a Preset

You can save this as a Preset for use in future publications. Name it "iPaper" for easy access.


All that remains now is to export your publication, and you will have yourself an iPaper optimized PDF.


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