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Display: Product Updates > March 2021

A new website banner CTA option, Display templates, a more visual navigation on product carousels, and a floating display on desktop.

Updated over a week ago

Hi there iPaper user,

We've just released some cool new stuff for DisplayπŸŽ‰

This means your iPaper Displays now has:

A new CTA option (we are very excited about this one!)

You now have an additional design option for your Display CTA. Your Display can now grab even more attention when you use the new CTA banner on the bottom of your page.

"Initial results tell us that the bottom bar typically results in 2x the conversion rate compared to the original side button" πŸ“ˆ

You also have the option to upload your custom logo image to the banner.
See it here:



You can also upload a new custom icon to use with the regular Display CTA.

See it here:




Once you are happy with the look and feel of your Display why not reuse the design elements on your next one?
You can now save the specific design and layout of your Display as a Template for later use.
See it here:
​Save your Display as a Template:



When creating a new Display, you can now preview and subsequently select one of your Templates as a starting point:



See all your templates and create new ones here:



New hover arrows on product carousels

To ensure that desktop users notice that product carousels hold more options, we have added hover arrows.
See them here:



A new look on Desktop, a floating display instead of an overlay.

We have now changed the look of your Display.
As you can see in the above-mentioned GIFs, your Displays will now appear as a floating box on top of your website, when shown on Desktop.
With a drop shadow and rounded corners, we hope you like it.



If you have any questions, reach out to us. πŸ™Œ

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