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PDF Tagging: Video

Tag your PDF to include videos from YouTube, Vimeo and .mp4

Updated over 2 years ago

With PDF tagging, we can include videos into your flipbook directly from your PDF.
You can use this workflow to enrich your flipbook without having to do any manual work.

Inline Video

To add inline videos, we will tag the PDF with hyperlinks. The benefit of adding videos via hyperlinks, is that we can read the exact dimensions of the hyperlink box. Which we then use to place your asset exactly where you want it.

If you're in doubt about how to add hyperlinks, check the articles below.

  • Create a hyperlink in the desired spot via Acrobat Reader, Acrobat Pro or InDesign.

  • The hyperlink should have the same aspect ratio as your video to avoid unwanted results.

  • The hyperlink should point to a YouTube, Vimeo or MP4 URL where the video is hosted.

Adding video controls

You can take full control of each videos' behavior by adding query string parameters to the video URL.

If the URL is added without a query string parameter, the behavior will be defined in the Enrichment Automation.

The parameters are the following:

  • ipaper_autoplay

  • ipaper_loop

  • ipaper_popup

  • ipaper_controls

For example:

Note: URLs can have one query sign "?" only, followed by an ampersand "&"

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