With Shop Export, you can send the content of the basket to your very own webshop.
Receive basket content
Create a middleware site to act as export URL.
iPaper exports the data in an XML format. This data has to be picked up by a middleware site that will parse the payload into something that can be received and read by the end point.
The stages between the flipbook and the completion of the checkout will depend on the checkout option.
Unlike the other checkout options, this requires more development from the customer side, but because of this, it enables you to decide exactly what to do with it!
This development is normally done by the customer's IT or web team. They can use the following flow to understand the set-up Shop Export requires.
๐ก Click the image above to download it as a PDF.
Does your webshop require visitors to login?
Check out a possible solution below:
๐ก Click the image above to download it as a PDF.
For the technical documentation of the data we send, read more here:
When the development is done, you can go ahead and finish setting the shop up in the iPaper platform.