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Want to present your Flipbook on a single page?
Want to present your Flipbook on a single page?

iPaper always presented pages in spreads, but there are ways to work around this and present your content on a single page.

Updated over 7 months ago

iPaper will always combine single pages into spreads. That way, we ensure the best possible user experience for your customers! The vast majority of source PDFs are formatted in single-page order, which allows iPaper to format them into beautiful spreads.

However, what happens if you've exported your PDF in spreads, already?
Processing that PDF would essentially cause 4 pages to be shown in the space of two, and lead to a poor browsing experience:

That doesn't look quite right… Right?!

If that is the case, you can split the pages down the middle to make sure they are combined right in iPaper. To do this, you can use our simple Splitter tool:

Using the PDF Splitter tool

Simply drag your PDF on top of the round icon, or click Choose PDF to open your folder directory.

Once you've selected your PDF, the Splitter tool will automatically create a split version and download it for you! Then you can simply replace the source PDF for your Flipbook using the Change PDF feature to update your Flipbook:

Check your split-layout PDF once you've uploaded it

In most cases, that means you're done and ready to share the Flipbook with your customers. However, if the front page was also a spread, that's now also split, you'll need to change some Interface settings to make sure your Flipbook shows correctly.

To do so:

  1. Right-click on the Flipbook in iPaper, and select Edit Settings from the drop-down menu.

  2. In the General tab, select Interface from the vertical menu on the left. Here, you'll be presented with a number of options that can change how your Flipbook is shown.

  3. Check Start with spread to make sure the front page isn't showing half a page:

Ensure a good browsing experience for mobile visitors

Desktop browsers are perfect for browsing spreads, and Flipbooks are designed to be shown in this format. However, mobile device screens are less optimal for this purpose.

Luckily, you iPaper shows your Flipbook as single pages on mobile devices by default. However, if you prefer to show your Flipbook as a spread on mobile devices, you can do so by selecting Force spread under View for mobile devices.

Selecting this option will force the Flipbook to show in spread view on mobile and tablet devices.

Want to make the un-split version available for download?

If your PDF is split down the middle, it doesn't exactly offer the best reading experience if you choose to download the PDF. Don't worry, you can decide exactly which PDF is downloaded, with our Alternate location feature:

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