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All CollectionsEngageDisplayLegacy Features
Display: How do I get it live on my website?
Display: How do I get it live on my website?

So your Display is ready? Let's show it off!

Updated over 8 months ago

⚠️ This is a legacy feature for Display that will be sunset on June 1st, 2025. It is only available to customers already using this feature.

You've spent time connecting the feed, setting up the theme, made the Display look amazing inside of the Editor.

Well let's not let that hard work go to waste - let's go live!

Embedding the Display script

Common for all your Displays is, they need the Display Script to be running on your website.

There are essentially two ways to put the Display script onto your website:

  1. Insert it into <body> section of your websites HTML

  2. Insert it via Google Tag Manager ***

*** Google Tag Manager scripts are blocked by Ad-blockers installed in browsers.
As such, inserting the Display script via GTM will cause your Display to not be seen by anyone using an Ad-blocker.

You can find the display script from the Display overview:

This simply needs to be pasted in the <body> section of your website.
Or if you wish to manage it from Google Tag Manager, you can simply insert it as a Custom HTML tag:

Disclamer: if you use Google Tag Manager, many visitors will not see your Display, as the tag will be blocked by Ad Blockers.

Now your page is ready to show Displays.
Next step is to publish your Displays on their respective pages.

Publishing your Display

Go to Displays, and click the cogwheel next to the Display you wish to publish:

You can either have direct URL to pages or use Wildcard URLs such as*

If you'd prefer not to show your Display on select URLs, read more about it here:

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