Easy access: Binder!

Present and search all your Flipbooks in one place

Updated over a week ago

Please note that Binder is a Legacy feature which is no longer being sold.

The Binder Module allows you to organize your catalogs and categories in online binders. Each binder can be presented to users in a standard interface, allowing users to open catalogs and navigate categories directly in the front end.

The interface can be styled to match your company colors and logo. In addition, the binder can be protected using our normal security modules, just as it can be displayed / embedded on your own domain using the Branded Domain module.

There's also a search function built in, so your visitors can easily search in all of the content you have added in your binder.

How to create a Binder:

Navigate to the binder module from your Flipbook dashboard:

From the next window, you can edit your existing binders or create new ones. For this, we're going to create a new one.

New binder

Write the Name and Header of your binder. Search is enabled by default and makes it possible for your readers to search within your binder. You also have the opportunity to write a welcome text to your readers.

Now it's time to decide the Design of your binder!

From this window, you can control the layout of your binder, the colors to match your business and add a company logo.

You can even choose your Desktop/Tablet template to decide the specific way it's viewed:

Choose one of the Mobile templates.

After you have chosen your Design, press Next. 

You can always change the design afterwards. 

Now we all know that Content is King! So let's get to adding some!

To add it, we need to create a folder structure to group your Flipbooks in. Now, creating a folder can seem a menial task, but in this case, it actually means a lot on how you will manage your Binder.

You can create a Virtual folder or add a Flipbook folder.

Virtual folder

A Virtual folder, only exists in the context of your binder. That has the advantage of being able to structure and control any way you want. 

So let's say you want to have only some of the Flipbooks from a regular folder, well you can easily pick only those in your Virtual folder.

The only drawback is, that you will need to add new Flipbooks to a Virtual folder manually every time to keep it updated.

You can even add regular Flipbook folders inside a Virtual folder, so you can present your content any way you want.

Another great thing about the Virtual folder is, that you can decide the order of the Flipbooks, as it doesn't simply follow the regular tree. So if you want it by naming, date or whatever it might be, you can simply drag n' drop!

Flipbook folder

Adding a Flipbook folder, simply opens your regular Flipbook tree to let you select which folder to add.

This is the easiest way to add flipbooks to your binder, and as it simply follows your folder structure, any changes or new Flipbooks in that folder will update automatically in your binder.

To that note, the obvious drawback compared to the virtual is, that you can't make it binder-specific.

If you want to, but haven't created your iPaper folders yet, press Create and you can add them later on.

Your first Binder has now been created.

If you want to change the settings of the Binder again, just press the edit icon shown below. 

You can view all of your binders the same way as we created your first one. Modules (Left-side menu) --> Binder

Now, we have the same options as before, and you can finish your Binder.

How to enable a Binder:

Now that we're ready to show our cool new binder, let's go ahead and enable it. You need to add it to a folder!

Note: The folder you enable it on, does not control the binders content, as you've defined that in the Binder settings. It's simply to give it an URL.

  1. Simply go to the settings of whatever folder you've picked to enable the binder on.

  2. Make sure you're on the Folder settings tab

  3. Choose Display Binder and choose from your binders which one to enable

Searching for Flipbooks in a Binder

It's as easy as it sounds! And with a content-heavy binder, this is a great tool for your visitors.

All done!

And that's it! Time to show the world your binder. Now, how to view it? Well it has the same URL as your folder. That being: viewer.ipaper.io/account_name/folder_name. You can always view the folder URL from the General tab in Folder settings.

A great way to present your binder is using a Branded Domain on your Binder folder. 

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