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November 2021: Enrichment Automation now retains manual enrichments, positions, sizes and click statistics 🥳

It's a game-changer!

Updated over a week ago

Enrichment Automation users, rejoice!

With our latest feature update, it is now possible to retain manually created enrichments and click statistics when updating your flipbook with Enrichment Automation 🥳

A truly game-changing feature!

What is game-changing about it?

The best - most engaging - Flipbooks are often a mix of automated and manual enrichments.

However, iPaper customers have struggled to maintain highly interactive flipbooks, when also using Enrichment Automation.

Previously, when you added manual enrichments to a flipbook with EA, the manual enrichments would be wiped whenever you updated the flipbook with Enrichment Automation or Import links enabled.

In this process, precious insights in the form of click statistics would also be lost.

The only workaround to maintain flipbooks with both automatic and manually created enrichments, was to have two flipbooks; one for manual and one for automatic enrichments.
You would export the manual enrichments, and continuously import them on your flipbook with automatic enrichments, whenever you had updated it via Enrichment Automation. What a hassle!

These drawbacks were preventing customers from adding manual enrichments, with less engaging flipbooks as a result :(

This is now a thing of the past!!!

How will you benefit from this?

You can now preserve manually added enrichments, such as videos, galleries, slideshows, images etc. while you update your automatically created enrichments via Enrichment Automation.

You can now add extra engaging content to live side by side with automated enrichments.

Your click statistics are now retained even when using the Enrichment Automation Auto-Update feature.

How will it affect you and your workflow?

Let us try setting up an example workflow, of something that is now possible:

  1. You create a flipbook with Enrichment Automation, automatically creating 167 shoppable links.

  2. To create a more engaging experience, you add manual enrichments, such as video and images.

  3. Not all automatically created enrichments were placed perfectly, so you move some of them to new positions - and resize some for emphasis.

  4. You are then notified that some of the products in your catalog have changed their price, since you created the shop links. Ugh. This would have ruined your day before! But no more…

  5. You use Update enrichments to update all your automatically created enrichments, with fresh data from your feed.

  6. Every enrichment you added manually is retained in this process.

  7. Every automatically created enrichment you moved or resized, has kept its position.

  8. All of the clicks on your enrichments now persist in Statistics.

Wow! This is going to save you so much time and frustration.

And more importantly - help you create the most engaging flipbook, every time.

How do I use it?

Check out our new article on Enrichment Automation here:

And dive into the very improved Update enrichments function here:

What are the requirements for this?

This feature is live now for customers with the modern version of Enrichment Automation as part of their plan.

It does not work retro-actively, which means it only works on flipbooks processed with EA after November 8, 6AM CET.

You can use Update enrichments / Change PDF with Enrichment Automation to enable this feature on any flipbook.

Please note:

  • This feature does not work with hardcoded legacy automation, also known as CLI or Custom Link Import.

  • This feature does not work with processing initiated by API.

If you do not have Enrichment Automation today, perhaps now is the time to consider an upgrade.

Reach out via chat 💬 or book a session with us 🙏

Find a time that suits your schedule here:

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