So assuming you've already done the steps of connecting Google Analytics and inserted the right scripts, it's time to build an audience! If you haven't done that, read that first
Building an iPaper Display Audience
Essentially what we want to do is to create a segment of your visitors who have clicked a Display. That way you can easily see your goals, KPIs and so on in Google Analytics from that segment. To make it easy, you can simply import the audience here:
If you want to see how it's created it's simply by making sure this segment has been exposed to the event of the Display being loaded:
Comparing to the rest of your website
Okay, so now you got an easy way to see the performance for your Display Segment. Want to compare it to your other channels and website? Well simply create an audience that excludes those who loaded a Display. Once again, you can just import that segment from here:
You should now have the two segments loaded in and ready to compare!
Please note that segments are imported to your user account only - if other users want to view these segments, they will need to import them as well 🙂