If you’re seeing a payment warning in your account, it’s likely because we haven’t been able to register your payment.
To help us update our records, please get in touch with our Support team using the messenger in the corner, or send a receipt or payment confirmation of your invoice to invoice@ipaper.io, so we can resolve this promptly.
Please note, this payment warning does not affect your account’s functionality. It’s simply a notification banner to alert you and ensure we keep our records up-to-date.
Managing Payment Information
Paying via Invoice or Bank Transfer
If you’re paying by invoice or bank transfer, please consult your billing department or payment team to ensure the payment has been processed. Keep in mind that it may take a few days for our records to update as your payment clears.
Paying via Credit Card
If you’re using automatic credit card payments, please check that the credit card details you have provided are correct. You can manage your payment information here.
💡 For a detailed guide on changing your payment method, see our help article:
We're always here to help
If you need any further assistance, feel free to reach out to our Support team for help using the messenger in the corner!