Display: Product Updates > Week 36 2020

New features: Search in URL, downloadable assets, typographic alignment, keyboard navigation of search results, and price size slider.

Updated over a week ago

We've just released some cool new stuff for your Displays. πŸŽ‰

This means you now can:

Show your Displays on URLs containing keywords (search in URL.)

Why did we add this feature?

Before this feature addition, you could only show your displays on a list of specific URLs. Or use an asterisk (*) to serve as a wildcard representing every possible URL ending.

This logic is, of course, still in place.

Example: This Display will show up on any URLs following (and including) product and inspiration:



But, some of you may want to show a Display on every single product page that is related to a particular brand or product category.

Example: What if you wanted to sell an assortment of leather maintenance products.

And your webshop held several different leather products.

One single line in "Show Display at" will show your Display on all URLs containing the word leather.

And it looks like this:



This particular Display will now show up on this page.
But not on this one:

So simple, just place the asterisk before the search term.

Now go make (and show) your displays!


Download your item image assets from the display editor.



All graphical assets can now also be downloaded from the Display editor.

This can be helpful if you are about to create a new display, and you can reuse some of the graphics, but you don't have them on your computer.

Or when you want to do a slight modification to one of your product images.

Apply typographic alignment in Display texts

You can now choose between centered, flushed right, or flush left in your product texts and paragraphs.



Finding your items is now easier and faster when using product search.




  • Search for a term.

  • Hit the enter key.

  • Use your arrow keys to select the product you want.

  • Finalize your selection using the enter key.

Change the price size quickly and effortlessly using the new slider.



Before, you could only change the size of all prices from your template. Now you have full control of individual price sizes πŸŽ‰

If you have any questions, reach out to us. πŸ™Œ

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