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Display: Product Updates > Week 5 2020

New features: Override theme colors, switch feed and theme, make a CTA with auto-playing video, and add multiple products in a carousel!

Updated over a week ago

Hey Display user :)

We've just released some cool new stuff for Display ๐ŸŽ‰ย 

This means you now can:

Override theme colors on Display elements

Go on and change your colors, for text rows, headers, paragraphs prices, and buttons directly from the Display editor.

How is this helpful? You can quickly and easily tweak your buttons, texts, and products to make your Display stand out and POP!
Before, you could only set them from your theme.

Quickly switch Feed and Theme on your Display

You can now change your feed and theme. Quickly and easily, also directly from the Display editor :)

How is this helpful?
When working with multiple feeds, it was a challenge when one feed was the default, and you couldn't change to a whole new look (theme) without creating a new display from scratch.

An auto-playing video function as a very effective Call To Action. So now we've made it clickable.

We have seen some very creative examples of videos used as CTAs, so keep it up, people!

Show more products horizontally!

How is this helpful?
Let's imagine you wanted to keep your Display short and not an infinite scroll. You can now add multiple variants of the same product or showcase related products. Clever right?
We look forward to seeing your Display product carousels in the wild.

If you have any questions, reach out to us. ๐Ÿ™Œ

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